MBA attracts students from throughout Northern Virginia who seeking quality ballet training and unequaled performing opportunities. Our students come from as far away as Great Falls, Front Royal, Aldie, Fredericksburg, Amissville and Culpeper.
Some comments from our parents about MBA:
“My 7 year old daughter and I attended Cinderella ballet and she was asked to journal about her weekend at school and I wanted to share her drawing, she just loved the ballet! Especially Cinderella ❤️. Thank you for a wonderful experience for our family, you are certainly inspiring the next generation.” – Marcia Guarniere
“Manassas Ballet Academy has helped me improve SO MUCH. I have only done ballet for two years and I feel like I have done it my whole life. I have learned so much and gotten so many opportunities. There are so many genres of dance with different levels, a level of ballet for everyone, and even a pre- professional division. I have been challenged in all areas of dance and it has made me more confident as a dancer. I have so many amazing teachers who go out of their way to help me achieve my goal of being a professional ballet dancer. At my first class here at MBA, everyone was so warm and welcoming. All the teachers know me by name and they each know my level of skill and where I need to be pushed more. At MBA we have the opportunity to perform in full length ballets with the MBA company, orchestra, huge audience, amazing choreography, beautiful hand made costumes and a gorgeous, amazing theatre! It is so cool to have a company consisting of experienced dancers that deliver one amazing show after the other. They are amazing examples that are great to learn from. I am truly a different dancer since I arrived here and I’m hoping that all dancers can get the same experience I have gotten!” – Camille Fretts (academy dancer)
“You’d never know that she just spent 4 hours rehearsing in a stuffy studio filled to the brim with (mask-wearing) ballet dancers and administrators! When I asked her how she handled it, she said, “It was great! I loved it! It only felt like 5 minutes! I can’t wait for the next one!”
“MBT has changed our experience in the world of dance for the ultimate good. The classes are invigorating, the staff is helpful and the teachers are amazing! The teachers and staff know children VERY WELL and communicate professionally with parents and students. The Artistic Director, Amy Wolfe, is very involved with teaching, productions and choreography and knows each student personally. We have never met a more caring and understanding group of people, who know our boys and can keep them dancing with improvement daily.
“Our perspective has been changed radically. We did not start dancing at MBT but when we arrived at MBT we were accepted and moved forward into the world of professional dance. Our performance levels changed as well. We were doing small performances at the former studio. At MBT we are doing professional level (full length with original choreography) ballet performances in a Theatre with a LIVE orchestra, backstage crew and paying patrons. The professional standards at MBT are very high without being overwhelming for the parents and students. The boys take lessons from professional dancers and have the opportunity to dance with them in performances. Independent classes for boys are taught so the boys are able to learn the specific male ballet behaviors they do not get in mixed ballet classes. The experience has expanded our view 1000%. As the mom, I take adult ballet and I have to tell you that the professional and kind way the teacher approaches our class makes me feel 100% like I can accomplish anything!
“MBT has taught us to OWN our talents and abilities and to use them without fear or insecurities. Our boys, while not professional yet, know that they can aspire to be. “We like the battle scene in The Nutcracker because we feel like it is a hearty mix between our two favorite things, reenacting and DANCE.” We wish we would have come to this studio first, but we now have a better understanding as to the absolute GEM we found in Manassas Ballet Theater and Academy! Thank you!”
“I am a parent of a child with a strong passion for dance. We have been a part of small dance studios and competition dance teams and while the intent was well meaning in those environments, the ballet technique was missing. Our search for a well-rounded ballet and dance program led us to Manassas Ballet Academy. We looked at multiple options within a 50-mile radius and found that MBA was the best program of its kind. MBA offers yoga, Progressive Ballet Technique, stretch and strength, a pre-professional division, a variety of dance genres, plus the opportunity to participate in multiple professional productions, all for a reasonable fee. In addition to the classes, we value the professionalism of the directors, instructors, and staff. Classes run on time, communication is clear and timely, teachers are more than experienced and knowledgeable and want children to succeed, and classes are never cancelled. There has been a dramatic improvement in the ballet technique of my child since being at MBA and I am confident that will continue because she is receiving a quality ballet and dance education.”
“Dear Miss Amy-
I wanted to thank you for working with us to make it possible for XXXX to continue her lessons at Manassas Ballet. I can’t tell you how much it means to us. She really loves the classes and learns so much from the amazing dancers. “
“Ms Amy –
In this crazy Nutcracker week, I just wanted to give you some encouragement and thanks. We have really enjoyed Manassas Ballet. After 6 years at the last dance studio, XXX didn’t look forward to seeing any friends in her classes. They were just other dancers. She often felt discouraged, like she was just never good enough. She didn’t know how to improve on her own, or who to ask for help. After 6 months with Manassas Ballet, she knows everyone in her classes, communicates with them outside of class, looks forward to seeing her friends, and even exchanged Christmas presents with several! More experienced students in her class, and some of the older girls have made an effort to help her with choreography or technique when she struggled and you helped after classes. We’ve never experienced such a team atmosphere.I can’t critique dance technique. Heck, I still can’t help my daughter with a ballet bun! The most important things for me as a dance mom are XXX’s self- confidence, acceptance and love of dance. You, Manassas Ballet, the instructors and dancers have done an amazing job of building those things in XXX while helping her improve her dance ability. I love seeing her confidence grow, knowing she’s worked hard and enjoyed the experience. I am so thankful for everything and looking forward to great Nutcracker performances this week.Thanks for all you do.”
In this crazy Nutcracker week, I just wanted to give you some encouragement and thanks. We have really enjoyed Manassas Ballet. After 6 years at the last dance studio, XXX didn’t look forward to seeing any friends in her classes. They were just other dancers. She often felt discouraged, like she was just never good enough. She didn’t know how to improve on her own, or who to ask for help. After 6 months with Manassas Ballet, she knows everyone in her classes, communicates with them outside of class, looks forward to seeing her friends, and even exchanged Christmas presents with several! More experienced students in her class, and some of the older girls have made an effort to help her with choreography or technique when she struggled and you helped after classes. We’ve never experienced such a team atmosphere.I can’t critique dance technique. Heck, I still can’t help my daughter with a ballet bun! The most important things for me as a dance mom are XXX’s self- confidence, acceptance and love of dance. You, Manassas Ballet, the instructors and dancers have done an amazing job of building those things in XXX while helping her improve her dance ability. I love seeing her confidence grow, knowing she’s worked hard and enjoyed the experience. I am so thankful for everything and looking forward to great Nutcracker performances this week.Thanks for all you do.”
“We just got an invitation to have XXX participate in the Professional Division Academy classes. We are so pleased with the invitation. We have had such a great experience so far. The professionalism and the quality of your program is what drew us in from the beginning. We just wanted to say Thank You! What an incredible honor and privilege for XXX. She considers herself a serious ballet student and this kind of opportunity is so amazing.”
“Professional. top notch training at all levels, the instructors are kind, caring and hands on. My children aren’t just learning ballet, they are learning commitment, self-discipline and appreciation for others. A gem to the Manassas community-they give back at every opportunity and create beauty and wonder for all to enjoy, elevating all of our lives.”
“Final boys class today. You have carried my kid, helped him reach deep down and pull out results where others would have quit. You have given him the best foundation any ballet dancer can hope to have and we couldn’t thank you enough for that. I love order, I love discipline, I love that Ms Amy brings that to the table every time, but beyond that you should hear how excited she gets to celebrate their little and big wins. They leave class knowing the pride that comes with hard work and I won’t have it any other way.”
“It’s night time over here, but I just wanted to quickly pop in and give a shout out to our MBA teachers, staff and crew. XXX is getting so many compliments at his new studio and it all boils down to the thoroughness of training he got at MBA, I’m seriously having a case of you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, so please thank a teacher, staff and encourage a student if you see them this week.”